lundi 21 janvier 2008
Tu la sens ma grosse frontale !!!

Bon vu que le titre est super racoleur, je vais pas trop me casser la tête pour le reste. Voici un joli copy/past.
"Yes indeed, someone has invented an ear mounted light specifically designed to illuminate the crotch during oral sex. Whomever is responsible for such a genius product, I’m not ashamed to admit that I would like to shake their hand (then spend the next two hours washing it.) Pair with the oral sex snorkel for a truly absurd sexual experience.
Product Page ($13.99)"
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State du lundi

Voila, voila commençons ce lundi avec une petit graphique plein de choses interressante. qui confirme, qui dis le contraire ??? Ben tenez moi au courant.
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